Manufacturing Matters Roundtables

The manufacturing policy academy team for North Carolina consists of leaders from workforce and economic development, government, and industry. The NC Manufacturing Policy Academy will now be known as the NC Manufacturing Matters Roundtable.


In 2019, North Carolina was chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP) Policy Academy for Strengthening States’ Manufacturing. North Carolina was one of 10 states in the 2019-2020 cohort. The purpose of the Policy Academy is to help states “build upon existing strategies, leverage available resources, and spur creative new ideas about how to address major challenges or leverage opportunities around the manufacturing sector.”

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The Latest Discussions

Part 1: Building a Biopharmaceutical Industry in NC

Part 1: Building a Biopharmaceutical Industry in NC

Part 1 - Building a Biopharmaceutical Industry in NCPhil Mintz: Bill, can you give us an overview about the biotechnology industry, what it means to the state, and what it is all about? What are life sciences, as opposed to something else, and how is it...

Core Discussion Group

John Loyack

Manufacturing Growth and Economic Development

Phil Mintz

Manufacturing Technology and Technical Assistance

Dr. Jenni Harris

Manufacturing Workforce Business Solutions

Jeff Debellis

State Manufacturing Data and Trends

Dominick Stephenson

Research Development and Evaluation

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