MFGCON The NC Manufacturing Conference. Powered by NCMEP and Business North Carolina

Haleh Byrne

Haleh Byrne is the product lead for industrial engineering and student projects at NC State’s Industry Expansion Solutions (IES). She leads a wide spectrum of industrial engineering services and projects. She engages NC State University students as part of her project teams in productivity and quality improvements, costing, facilities layout, process and training documentation, ergonomics assessments and scheduling, and client-customized projects. She also provides Lean, statistical process control, measurement systems analysis and work measurement training in conjunction with Timer Pro (video analysis software) workshops and related implementation events. Haleh manages student projects which provide services for clients. With over 100 projects involving 500+ students in the past decade, clients have reported substantial impacts in flexible duration and diverse engineering disciplines. Haleh has over 20 years of experience as an industrial/product/quality engineer in multiple industries. She worked at Flextronics in Youngsville as a product engineer. Her prior work history includes being an industrial engineer at the U.S. Postal Service in Los Angeles, an industrial/quality engineer at General Motors, an industrial engineer at Monsanto Electronic Materials in St. Louis and an industrial/quality engineer at Buehler Products in Cary. Haleh obtained her B.S. in industrial engineering from NC State. She is an ASQ-certified quality engineer and is SME bronze Lean certified. She also has extensive training and experience in statistical engineering and project management. Haleh is currently the IIE Raleigh Chapter President and Lean Division Board Director at the Institute of Industrial Engineers. She served as education chair for ASQ Raleigh Chapter from 2009-2012 and has presented at many professional conferences.