Would you like to generate more business for your company for the products that you manufacture?

Manufactured in North Carolina (MNC), an online supplier database, offers every North Carolina manufacturer a FREE profile page that lists your company’s information including materials used, capabilities, quality certifications and more. Your profile will greatly extend your company’s potential visibility and exposure to potential customers across town, the nation or even an ocean or two.

MNC is searchable via a variety of criteria, allowing searchers to pinpoint the products they need based on their requirements. It’s completely open to search engines, and MNC product pages rank highly in search engines. MNC receives over 100K visits a year and interested companies generate over 3000 product inquiries annually.

Best of all, it’s easy to create your profile and it’s FREE!

Based on the information you provide, MNC builds your company’s profile page which:

  • Is highly visible and can be found through search engines
  • Has its own unique web address
  • Sells your company’s manufacturing capabilities

Your only responsibility is to maintain your information and respond to any inquiries that come your way. We have staff to help you keep your profile up-to-date, answer questions and communicate additional supplier opportunities as they arise.

We’ve all learned the last few years how important our domestic supply chains are; help us make your capabilities visible so that we can help you acquire business and grow domestic manufacturing and supply chains.

Register Today!