2019 Executive Board List

Each year, Business NC and NCMEP join forces with North Carolina’s most innovate manufactures to bring you mfgCON. This conference would not be possible without the outstanding leadership and guidance of its Executive Board. Therefore, we would like to acknowledge the members of our 2019 mfgCON Exectutive Board.

JIM BRYAN, President | FairyStone

STEVE ELLIS, CFO | Protect Plus Air

RYAN GLADIEUX, President | Weener Plastics

PATRICK LONG, CEO | Lumina Captive

MELISSA MARTIN, Brand Sales Manager | Unifi Manufacturing

DIXON MITCHELL, President | Fairfield Chair

JERRY PEDLEY, CEO | Mertek Solutions


JEFF SLOSMAN, President | National Wiper

ED STACK, Vice President | Jarrett Bay Boatworks

MATT WOOD, Partner | DHG

ERIN WELKEN, Manager, Business Process Improvement | Deere & Co